Phoenix: Ground Battles

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Weapon Range
Position Spread
Short Range Combat
Control Factors and Damage
Ground Combat Tactic
Loss of control
Capturing a Position
No Defending Force


Boarding Parties
Active Boarding
Starbase Auto Boarding
Boarding Combat
Escaping with Boarded Ships

Promotion and Veterans
Entering Range Combat

Links to
Other Rulebooks

Beginner's Guide
Space Combat
Ground Battles
Ground Parties
Starbases - Basic
Starbases - Full
Starships - Basic
Starships - Full


Ground Combat

Ground combat allows you to win control of other player’s positions through force of arms, without having to reducing them to debris first. It is combined with space combat on a day-to-day basis. Ground combat is not supposed to be instant and will most likely take days if not weeks of pounding before one side wins.

The aim of ground combat is usually to take control of a Starbase. When a Ground Party docks with a Starbase it is able to enter ‘Short Range Combat’ for control of that Starbase. This takes a number of days, during which the attacker can slowly gain control of the Starbase. It is unlikely that control of a Starbase can be taken in one day unless it is undefended.

Every vehicle or troop involved has an associated accuracy and damage (as in space combat) and their fire is directed at targets decided by their enemy lists. Ground vehicles generally do more damage that space weapons but are limited by their range and defence. Ground Parties are the easiest way to move mobile ground units but they are quite susceptible to space bombardment until they engage with a Starbase.

Boarding actions are a special form of ground combat. They are a quick and bloody action to take control of a Ship or Platform. Boarding actions are fought during a turn and not during the end of day battle. It is possible to board a Ship while it is still moving or armed but this is not as easy as attacking one when it is landed, docked or disabled.

Weapon Range

All weapons have a range (specified in their Tech Manuals), and these are:

  • Space: All space weapons have this setting and can hit anything that they see. Energy weapons can only target things in line of sight, while missiles can fire indirectly. Rail guns cannot be used to fire at other planetary targets from the ground but can be used to fire indirectly at planetary targets from space. Space weapons also have a minimum fire range and cannot fire at docked positions.
  • Orbital: This means that a weapon is to all intents and purposes the same as a space weapon while close to a planetary body BUT does not have the extended range for combat in open space.
  • Planetary: This weapon can fire from anywhere on a planet to any other location, but not into orbit.
  • Sector: This weapon can only hit things inside its current sector.
  • Short: This weapon is only useful in short range combat for control of a position.

When a collection of weapons have different ranges there is a possibility that a target is picked that cannot be fired on by all of your weapons. Ground combat weapons will generally have a range less than space weapons.

Position Spread

The Spread of a position determines how weapon damage hits vital items and how ground battles are fought for control of the position. Only Starbases and Ground Parties have a variable Spread. Ground Parties can alter theirs immediately with an order. Starbases can set a target Spread but the real Spread of the Starbase only changes when they build more complexes (new complexes are built at target Spread so the real Spread will tend towards the target as more complexes
are built).
Spread has 5 set values:

Spread Percentage of Vital Damage Starbase Scan Profile
Packed 100% 100%
Close 80% 166%
Normal 60% 277%
Open 40% 625%
Disperse 20% 2500%

The positions Spread affects how much actual damage is done to its vital item (both for Starbase and Ground Parties), shown in the above table. This percentage damage done is increased for explosive weapons (AR modifiers greater than 1) such as missiles, torpedoes and High Explosive ammunition.
For a Starbase the Spread also affects the scan profile it has (remember that at conversion all Starbases are packed). A Starbase’s actual Spread may be between these values if it is changing it’s target Spread. For Ground Parties, Spread is set immediacy after the order is received and controls both surface area and damage that hits the items in the Ground Party (as with a Starbase). The Spread of Ships and Platforms is fixed as packed.

Spread does several things for Ground Parties and Starbases:

  • The amount of damage that hits items reduces as the Spread increase. When the position is packed all the incoming damage hits items, when it is disperse only 20% of the damage hits items. Using explosive weapons such as mass drivers, proximity torpedoes etc. can counter the effects of Spread.
  • The Spread determines the surface area of a position. The tighter the position is packed the smaller its surface area. This makes it easier to defend and harder to see. The surface area of the position is what determines the Shield Thickness, Scintillator Effect and Scan Profile.
  • Tightly packed positions provide better defence for both attackers and defenders in a short range combat. This makes casualties lighter and means that the enemy can not easily plan on taking the Starbase by killing all the defenders using vehicles, and troops will have to be deployed to do the job.

All ground positions fight best at a certain Spread, if your position is matched to your troops’ ability to control it, then you will stand a better chance. Ground battles are only ever fought over Starbases, Ships and Platforms and the defending position sets the Spread for the battle. Attacking a Starbase with your Spread set to the optimal spread for your troops makes no difference if the target’s Spread is different. For example, one should always use marines to board
Ships and Platforms (if you want to take control) as they perform best in packed conditions.
Note: There is an order ‘Change Spread (Once)’ for a Starbase that allows it to define its Spread once to account for the ground combat changes. All Starbase have this option as they all start with a ‘Packed Spread’.

Things to consider when choosing Starbase Spread:

  • Marines are the best troop at controlling or taking control of positions. However they work best under Packed conditions, and other troops may outperform them at different Spreads.
  • Currently all Starbases and outposts are packed so increasing your Spread will decrease shield thickness/scint effect and increase you sensor profile.
  • Damage done to your Starbase will depend on your defence and your Spread. If you are too thinly Spread your shields will have no real effect, while if you are too tightly packed then all the damage that penetrates your shield will destroy Starbases items.
  • Outposts may not want to be seen and increasing Spread does increase visibility. If a position is completely hidden by caves increasing the Spread will not change anything, but any items that overflow from the caves will be ‘more’ visible.
  • Generally outposts should have Packed Spread and Starbases should have Close or Normal Spread (depending on how many marines are available).


When a Ground Party attacks a position from a distance the attacks are dealt with in the same way as space combat. The damage caused is not very discriminatory and will be blocked by armour, shields and other defences in the normal way.

It is considered the attackers are at least over the horizon for this kind of combat and hence it is difficult to pin point individual items. The attackers will also have a change of hitting nothing due to the Spread of the target.

When a Ground Party closes to ‘Short Range’ the attacks are only targeted at military equipment. All attacks will hit the target and none will hit open space. There will be more collateral damage as both forces can hide behind Starbase structure. A tightly packed Starbase will take more collateral damage but both defenders and attackers will take less damage and casualties. Most troops cause no collateral damage but tanks and other vehicles can make a real mess of the Starbase’s infrastructure.

Spread of target

Damage imparted to
defenders and attackers

Packed 2%
Close 2.5%
Normal 3.3%
Open 5%
Disperse 10%

The amount of cover that a starbase gives attackers will depend on how much of the control of the starbase has been taken from the defenders.

Defender Control Damage multiplier (of the above table) applied to attacker
100% x10
95% x6.4
90% x3.6
85% x1.6
80% x1

Therefore the opening round of an attack on a disperse starbase will mean that the attackers will suffer 100% of the damage delivered by the starbase, however the defenders of the starbase will suffer 10% of the damage delivered by the attackers.

It is imperative that the attackers gain 10% of the control from the defender as fast as possible as this will vastly reduce the incoming damage, especially if the starbase is open or disperse.

Being docked with a Starbase is no protection from a full ‘board side’ from the positions ground weapons (although it does mean it can not target you with space weapons). It is necessary to be in ‘Short Range Combat’ with the position before you get additional protection from the Starbase structure.
Note: Defenders do no collateral damage to their own Starbase. Attackers get the same chances of being hit in ground combat as the defenders. This prevents a Starbase’s overwhelming force destroying their own structure to wipe out laughable attacks.

Short Range Combat

Short Range Combat is fought for the sole purpose of gaining control of an enemy position. It occurs when an attacker is under a position’s external defences (shields armour etc). This usually occurs when a Ship or Platform is boarded or when a Ground Party docks with a Starbase to take control of it. There are only ever two sides in a Short Range Combat, the attackers and the defenders. The group a position falls into is based on the original target of the battle.

There are two aspects to Short Range Combat:

  • Damage – This determines how many casualties the enemy has and is similar to space combat.
  • Control – This is a struggle between both sides to decide who gains control of the target position.

Positions in Short Range Combat with a Starbase are considered to be Spread within that Starbase and can no longer be targeted by space range weapons from other Starbases, Ships or Platforms.
The battle for control of a position can take days to win, weeks with bigger Starbases. There are two ways to win a short Range Combat:

  • By killing all or most of the defenders it is possible take control of a position. This relies on doing largeamounts of damage through tanks and the like. This sort of tactic will only work if you can kill the defendersbefore they can kill you and will cause a lot of collateral damage (especially in packed Starbases).
  • By having large numbers of troops it is possible to take control of a position possessing all strategic points within that position. When a battle starts the owner has 100% control of the target position but as the battle progresses it is possible for the attacker to gradually take this control away from the owner. Each ground combat vehicle or item has a number of control points (troops have the most) and these are matched against the enemies control points to decide whom gains or loses a percentage control of the position.

Control Factors and Damage

Ground combat units have both control factors and damage values to represent how they perform in ground combat.

The control factors represent the ability of a ground unit to take a fortified location, without necessarily destroying anything. All ground units have a preferred Spread. When the targets Spread is different to this then the item will have less effective control factors. For each step away from their preferred Spread an item loses half its control factors. For example, marines have 8 control factors at their preferred Spread, which is packed. If they are used in a battle for a Starbase with ‘Close Spread’ then they will only have 4 factors each but they will do the same damage. The total control factors of a position are the sum of all the individual ground units, modified for the Spread of the target position.

The damage represents how effective a ground unit is at destroying the enemy. The damage done is unaffected by the preferred Spread of the units firing but it is affected by the Spread of the target. All damage in Short Range Combat either hits the enemy units or is collateral damage to the starbases structure.

If your side has superior control factors to the enemy you will push them back and gain control of a portion of the position you are fighting over. The more control factors your side has the quicker control of the target position will fall to you. The odds of the battle are shown on the report each round, as is the likelihood of gaining control of the position.

It should be noted that there is a random factor in the amount of control factors that an attacker can bring to bear during each round of the battle and if the control factor odds are even then the defender will eventually win. In this way battles do favour the defender, but only slightly and only when the forces are similar.

Ground Combat Tactic

There are several settings for ground combat tactic. It determines how you act in Short Range Combat. These are:

Combat Tactic Control Factors (%) Casualties (%) Damage Dealt (%)
Normal 100 100 100
Retreat 0 100 0
Give Ground 50 50 50
Defensive 75 75 75
Assault Position 150 200 100
Storm Position 200 400 100
Boarding 100 800 100

For a quick victory you should storm a position, however your losses will be great and if you do not have an overwhelming force you will be held back. Defensive actions will prolong ground combat where you have sufficient control and the enemy have lots of heavy support. This can be useful when waiting for reinforcements. Retreat is used to give up control of a Starbase. You do not lose any prisoners to an ordered retreat (You do lose around 20% when there is an automatic transfer of control).

The first six combat tactics can be set using the ‘Ground Combat Tactic’ order for Starbases and ground parties. The boarding tactic is used when you board a Ship or Platform.

Loss of control

At the start of any ground battle the defender has 100% control of his position. Each round of the ground battle is possible to lose or gain a percentage of this control to or from the attacker.

The actual control gained per round depends on the control factors of the attackers compared to the defenders. If the battle is in favour of the attackers they will gain control of sections of the Starbase. While the defender still holds at least 75% control of the position it is very difficult for the attacker to gain ground.

The maximum control gained per combat round is mus of the attackers compared the mus of the Starbases complexes or defending mass multiplied by 10, whichever is lower (expressed as a percentage).
So a starbase with 20 complexes (20,000mu) and 4,000mu defence will be treated as 20,000mu while a starbase with 20 complexes (20,000mu) and 1,000mu defence will be treated as 10,000mu.

So 1000mus of attacker vs. a 20 complex Starbase (20000mus) and 4,000mu defence can only gain 5% (1000/20000) control of the Starbase per round. It is never possible to take more than 10% control per round and the actual amount gained will depend of the number of control factors each side has.

Example: Having only 2:1 odds will mean that only approximately 1.1% (10% x 11%) can be gained in a round where the defender controls more than 75% even if your force is much larger in terms of mu's, i.e. composed largely of vehicles but few actual troops.

The table below shows the odds the attackers have in their favour vs. how much of the maximum control can be taken of the position per combat round.

Odds (in favour of attacker) Less than 75% control More than 75% control
2:1 33% 11%
4:1 60% 36%
10:1 81% 66%
20:1 90% 80%

For example, if the attackers can gain potentially 6% control in a round and the odds of the battle are 2:1 in favour of the attacker then they are likely to take 2% actual control of that position.

While you control a Starbase you can still produce items and run complexes even though you are under attack. Your efficiency will be reduced due to combat and how much control you have left over the Starbase. The attacker does not gain production capacity until he takes full control of the installation.

The more control an attacker takes from the defenders (on the contested position) they can exploit the defensive value of the starbases structure better, until finally they have the same benefits as the defender.

Defender Control Attacker Defence bonus
100% 0%
95% 36%
90% 64%
85% 84%
80% 100%

Capturing a Position

In each round of a battle there is a chance that the position may fall to the attackers. This can happen when all the defenders are killed, but it still takes time to control the installation.

The percentage chance that a Starbase will fall is based on the amount of control that the owner has, how big the Starbase is and what security it has in place. It is a valid tactic to crackdown on security whilst in a battle - it reduces the chance of losing of control BUT increases the effect of the attack (loss of production). It is quite unlikely that a Starbase will fall until you have lost over 50% control; more for larger or more secure Starbases.

Current Control Level Base Chance of Losing Position
90% 0.1%
80% 0.8%
70% 2.7%
60% 6.4%
50% 12.5%
40% 21.6%
30% 34.3%
20% 51.2%
10% 72.9%
0% 100%

The chance of losing the starbase (except when you have completely lost control at 0%) can be reduced by up to a factor of four for a very secure or large Starbase. The chance of losing other positions (Ship and Platforms) is not modified.

When control of the position is lost the following happens:

  • The remaining mobile defenders retreat into a Ground Party. This GP will be placed in combat with attackers.
    10-20% of the retreating vehicles and troops are captured.
  • All troops, officers and politicals captured are converted to prisoners
  • All enemy lists, pending orders, standing orders, authorisations and space combat targets are cleared.
  • The position is transferred to the attacking player with the most control factors. It is flagged as player owned.
  • The position control is set to 100-(previous control) e.g. 10% control 90% control after the transfer.

The battle continues, with the retreating forces attacking the new defenders at the Starbase the next day.

No Defending Force

When there are no forces in a position you will gain control of it quickly providing you have sufficient troops and control factors to take control. It is not possible to take control of an installation without control factors. The speed of the take over will depend on the size of the installation compared to the control factors you have available. For example 100 marines should be able to take a 50 complex outpost in a day but 1 marine will take a week or so (50 complexes is a big place to search and secure).


Boarding is used to capture Ships and Platforms. Boarding is done in the orders part of a turn and not in standard combat. You can have multiple boarding in a day. There are two types of boarding:

  • Active – These are initiated by using the ‘Board Position’ Order. The target position has to be caught before it can be boarded. To do this you need to have a fast Ship with tractor beams. You are also subjected to space weapons fire when you attempt to board the position.
  • Passive – When a position lands at a hostile Starbase it is automatically boarded.

When you board a position the forces sent to do the job are defined by your boarding party report. If there are no boarding party items set then you will not be able to board en emy positions (this is especially important for Starbases).

Boarding Parties

Boarding parties are defined on your position showing what forces will be sent to board. This does not effect how you defend yourself against attack, only what you send against others. Being able to select a boarding party will prevent incidents where you wipe out all your crew or your ground forces by sending everything against a very hard target.

Boarding parties are set-up by using the ‘Set Boarding Party’ Order. This allows you to select an item and how much of that item you wish to send on boarding actions. You can specify boarding parties with items that you do not currently have in your position. This means you do not have to resize your boarding party when you get low on one item or receive reinforcements. When the boarding occurs you will only send items available at the time. Only certain items can take part in boarding a position due to the limited space involved. Generally only 1 mu items and troops are allowed to board positions. This is not always the case and exceptions to the rule will be explained in individual tech manuals. If you cannot use an item to board positions then the ‘Set boarding Party’ order will tell you.

A typical boarding party report is shown below. It shows how many units you have available to fill the boarding party roster and the maximum (MAX) units you would like to send. It also lists the damage and control factors you have for a boarding.

|-Boarding Party Report--------------------------------------------------------|

10 Human Crew (505) 10 10 10
100 Human Marine (506) 1000 200 800
11 Human Veteran Marine (512) 1000 44 176

Active Boarding

Active boarding occurs when you try to board a position that is capable of either fighting back or running away. Active boarding is initiated during your positions turn, and is done as soon as you have the TUs available to perform it. If there are other positions that support or defend your target at the same location (when you issue the board order) then a fullblown space battle will be initiated and your boarding will be performed the next day (if you survive).

If the position you are boarding can move then you need the following to attempt a boarding action:

  • You need to be able to scan the position; just seeing it once is not enough, however knowing it is at the current location does improve your chances of scanning it.
  • You need to be twice as fast as the target Ship after tractor beams from both sides are accounted for.
  • You need to have at least one tractor beam.

If the position cannot move, is landed or docked then you can always attempt to board it.
If you are able to board a position then you need to approach it and during this approach the target can attempt to destroy you. If the target is landed or docked then it does not have any time to react to your approach and cannot target you with space weapons.

If a target is able to fire on you it is allowed four round of space combat with all its weapons against you, while you do nothing but close the range to the target. In this space combat the entire volley of enemy weapons will hit and the damage done by each weapon is doubled (as you are approaching to a range where the enemy can spot weak points on you position). If you survive you will proceed to board the position. Generally it is best only to board crippled targets as heavy armed Platforms reduce incoming boarders to atoms.

Starbase Auto Boarding

When a Ship lands in a hostile Starbase it can either be automatically boarded or blasted with the full ground force of the Starbase (or both) depending on how the Starbase governor sets his options. The options for boarding are set through the ‘Boarding Options’ order and are displayed on the ‘Boarding Party Report’ for a Starbase. The default for a Starbase is to attempt to board a Ship that lands and then blow it up if the boarding fails. A large Starbase should have enough tanks etc. to completely destroy a landed Ship and the Ship will not be able to respond with space weapons due to the close range.

Note: Until a boarding party is set all Starbases will board Ships but it will fail. The ship will then be blasted in ground combat. Also boarding parties should be large (1000 marines will most likely capture a Ship with 100 marines) but making them too large will open the Starbase to massive losses. For instance Ships landing with a 1000 soldiers will be very difficult to board and it may be better to lose a small force and then leave it rather than boarding with a large number which are all destroyed.

Boarding Combat

The short-range part of ground combat for boarding is similar to normal combat, except:

  • There are only ever two sides (attacker/boarder and defender).
  • The attacker uses the ‘Boarding’ ground combat tactic with the heavy losses that incurs.
  • The defender uses the ‘Normal’ ground combat tactic.
  • The defender can lose up to a maximum of 25% control per round of combat (rather than 10%).

The rules for ‘Loss of Control’ are the same but there are no modifiers for positions size etc.

Escaping with Boarded Ships

Successful boarding action counts as combat for the purposes of setting the 'can leave combat' flag. This means that on the very next day after the boarding action both the boarding ship and the boarded ship can leave without being subject to the standard pinning mechanics. This only lasts for the very next day.

Promotion and Veterans

In both boarding and standard short range combat the number of troops promoted from the surviving troops is 10%- 30% of the casualties. Veterans are essentially bought with the blood of normal troops, this makes their effective cost ~ 50 stellars (as you have to lose 5 troops at 10 stellars each to obtain one). Their advantage is that they are roughly twice as effective as a basic troop of the same type and so after a year they pay for themselves.


Before entering into Ground Combat you may want to scout a position to find out what kind of forces it has. The ‘Scout Location’ Order gives you information on the position at your current location. The accuracy of the information depends on how many scout factors you have on your position (all troops have 1 scout factor but scouts have 4). Below is an example of a scout order

Scout Accuracy: +-24% (156 Scout Factors)
Scouting IND STARBASE Salamander (XXXX):
Spread: Packed
Control Factors: 69378 Damage: 110254
XLight Vehicles: 4551 Light Vehicles: 12144
Medium Vehicles: 536 Heavy Vehicles: 738
Turrets: 140
Troops: 60 Basics
199 Crew
4290 Marines
1253 Soldiers
123 Startroopers

Control factors account for the Spread of the position and hence do not always reflect its offensive capability. The report gives you indications of the number of troops, turrets (anything that can fire but not move) and vehicles. The vehicles are grouped as follows:

Type Mass (mus)
Xlight 1
Light 2-25
Medium 26-50
Heavy 50+

Entering Range Combat

Before a Ground Party can dock with a Starbase to enter Short Range Combat it has to enter the Starbase’s ground sector and this will initiate a full space and ground battle if the Starbase is hostile. To avoid complete destruction the ground party will need to be set to a ‘Disperse Spread’ (default for a new ground party), this will reduce the damage done by the hostile Starbase. The small items (such as troops) will soak incoming damage when the Spread is set to disperse, as each weapon will only take out 1 or 2 items and the rest of it’s damage will be wasted.

Ground Combat Related Orders

  • Ground Combat Tactic (GP/Starbase)
  • Set Boarding Party (Ship/GP/Starbase)
  • Clear Boarding Party (Ship/GP/Starbase)
  • Board Position (Ship/GP/Starbase)
  • Boarding Options (Starbase Only)

Ground Combat

Ground Combat tactic: Standard
Launched 3088 Space Fighters
Targets: None
Ground Battle for the Control of IND Starbase (XXXX)
Round 1: Battle is 11:8 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 0.14% control [99.86%]
Round 2: Battle is 4:3 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 0.06% control [99.8%]
Round 3: Battle is 4:3 in favour of Attacker
Defender gained 0.54% control [100%]
Round 4: Battle is 4:3 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 0.05% control [99.95%]
Attacking PIR Bruiser (YYYY)
Round 1:
451 Battle Tank - 244 damage
754 Battle Tank mkII - 500 damage
140 Heavy Battle Tank - 360 damage
2452 Human Marine - 106 damage
26006 Human Soldier - 2008 damage
5465 Human Veteran Marine - 396 damage
47 Light Tank - 0 damage
Round 2:
450 Battle Tank - 284 damage
747 Battle Tank mkII - 809 damage
140 Heavy Battle Tank - 0 damage
2442 Human Marine - 106 damage
25850 Human Soldier - 1996 damage
5421 Human Veteran Marine - 452 damage
46 Light Tank - 11 damage
Round 3:
445 Battle Tank - 335 damage
741 Battle Tank mkII - 603 damage
137 Heavy Battle Tank - 270 damage
2429 Human Marine - 108 damage
25685 Human Soldier - 2192 damage
5390 Human Veteran Marine - 476 damage
45 Light Tank - 11 damage
Round 4:
441 Battle Tank - 289 damage
739 Battle Tank mkII - 627 damage
137 Heavy Battle Tank - 180 damage
2414 Human Marine - 94 damage
25546 Human Soldier - 2052 damage
5345 Human Veteran Marine - 360 damage
44 Light Tank - 31 damage

Ground Combat runs at the same time as space combat and fighters are launched as normal even though they are not used.

The control battle in this case is very close and each round there is the chance that the attacker or defender will gain ground even though the attacker has a slight advantage. If the odds are much more in favour of the attacker then much more control is gained.

The Short Range Combat is different to space combat in that all the attacks hit but the actual damage done is significantly less than the items are capable of doing.

This is due to the shielding nature of the starbases structure and this shows up in the damage report.

Attacking PIR Bruiser (YYYY)
Round 1:
451 Battle Tank - 244 damage
754 Battle Tank mkII - 500 damage
140 Heavy Battle Tank - 360 damage
2452 Human Marine - 106 damage
26006 Human Soldier - 2008 damage
5465 Human Veteran Marine - 396 damage
47 Light Tank - 0 damage
Round 2:
450 Battle Tank - 284 damage
747 Battle Tank mkII - 809 damage
140 Heavy Battle Tank - 0 damage
2442 Human Marine - 106 damage
25850 Human Soldier - 1996 damage
5421 Human Veteran Marine - 452 damage
46 Light Tank - 11 damage
Round 3:
445 Battle Tank - 335 damage
741 Battle Tank mkII - 603 damage
137 Heavy Battle Tank - 270 damage
2429 Human Marine - 108 damage
25685 Human Soldier - 2192 damage
5390 Human Veteran Marine - 476 damage
45 Light Tank - 11 damage
Round 4:
441 Battle Tank - 289 damage
739 Battle Tank mkII - 627 damage
137 Heavy Battle Tank - 180 damage
2414 Human Marine - 94 damage
25546 Human Soldier - 2052 damage
5345 Human Veteran Marine - 360 damage
44 Light Tank - 31 damage

Incoming Fire from PIR Bruiser (YYYY)
Round 1:
100 Battle Tank - 100 damage
1000 Dewiek Marine - 52 damage
20000 Human Marine - 780 damage
20000 Human Soldier - 1448 damage
Round 2:
97 Battle Tank - 110 damage
980 Dewiek Marine - 54 damage
19598 Human Marine - 726 damage
19568 Human Soldier - 1552 damage
Round 3:
90 Battle Tank - 201 damage
965 Dewiek Marine - 46 damage
19183 Human Marine - 752 damage
19137 Human Soldier - 1396 damage
Round 4:
88 Battle Tank - 30 damage
939 Dewiek Marine - 40 damage
18743 Human Marine - 702 damage
18698 Human Soldier - 1612 damage

Post Battle Summary
136 troops promoted to veteran.

Naval Damage:
3 Gatling Lasers (215)
10 Light Photon Guns (300)
3 Scintillators (125)
1 Shield Generators (119)
2 Shields (115)

Military Damage:
12 Battle Tanks (825)
21 Battle Tank mkIIs (826)
36 Ground Fighters (816)
3 Heavy Battle Tanks (829)
48 Human Marines (506)
1 Human Mercenary (504)
603 Human Soldiers (507)
156 Human Veteran Marines (512)
3 Light Tanks (821)

Civilian Damage:
2 Alien Pets (30139)
7 Basic Elements (2)
6 Basic Modules (410)
1 Fighter Bay (238)
1 ISR Type 4 Engines (155)
3 Industrial Modules (400)
5 Light Hulls (60)
3 Metals (1)
2 Mine (1002)
4 Patches (45)
1 Structural module (420)


It can be seem that soldiers do much more damage than marines but they are not contributing as much to taking control of the
starbase as that have far fewer control factors.

From the final round of combat it can be seen that the attacker has lost about 4000 troops compared to fewer than 1000 troop loses on the Starbases side. This means that although the attacker has the advantage in control factors the defenders tanks will eventually eat into this and the ground combat will be prolong but generally neither side will win unless reinforcements arrive.

Due to the low loses on the defenders side there are very few promotions.
The battle is also causing damage to the structure of the starbase as more collateral damage occurs.

Boarding Example
> TU 165: Board Ship {23761}
Attempting to board IND SHIP Happy Chicken (23761):
Incoming Fire During Boarding Approach
Round 1: 10 Photon Gun - 10 hits - 1040 [1200] damage - 100%
Round 2: 10 Photon Gun - 10 hits - 1026 [1200] damage - 100%
Round 3: 10 Photon Gun - 10 hits - 1043 [1200] damage - 100%
Round 4: 10 Photon Gun - 10 hits - 1031 [1200] damage - 100%
Post Battle Summary
Naval Damage:
4 Gatling Lasers (215)
7 Shields (115)
3 Space Fighters (246)
15 Tractor Beams (340)

Military Damage:
2 Human Crew (505)
5 Human Marines (506)
2 Human Veteran Marines (512)

Civilian Damage:
1 Bridge (100)
41 Cargo Bays (134)
6 Thrust Engines (160)

Ship hulls have taken 8000 damage (80%)
Boarding Action for the Control of DTR Happy Chicken (23761)
Round 1: Battle is 38:7 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 12.32% control [87.68%]
0.19% chance of losing control
Round 2: Battle is 49:9 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 12.65% control [75.03 %]
1.56% chance of losing control
Round 3: Battle is 43:8 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 12.11% control [62.91%]
5.1% chance of losing control
Round 4: Battle is 27:5 in favour of Attacker
Defender lost 17.03% control [45.88%]
15.85% chance of losing control
IND Happy Chicken (23761) has fallen to the attackers.

Attacking IND Happy Chicken (23761)
Round 1:
98 Human Veteran Marine - 12 damage
98 Warbot - 0 damage
95 Human Marine - 2 damage
Round 2:
96 Human Veteran Marine - 4 damage
94 Warbot - 4 damage
88 Human Marine - 0 damage
Round 3:
93 Human Veteran Marine - 12 damage
87 Warbot - 2 damage
84 Human Marine - 4 damage
Round 4:
89 Human Veteran Marine - 8 damage
81 Warbot - 0 damage
80 Human Marine - 8 damage
Incoming Fire from IND Happy Chicken (23761)
Round 1:
34 Human Crew - 7 damage
50 Human Marine - 18 damage
Round 2:
32 Human Crew - 4 damage
48 Human Marine - 20 damage
Round 3:
30 Human Crew - 8 damage
47 Human Marine - 20 damage
Round 4:
26 Human Crew - 6 damage
45 Human Marine - 10 damage
Post Battle Summary
2 troops promoted to veteran.
Military Damage: 15 Human Marines (506)
15 Human Veteran Marines (512)
21 Warbots (850)
Boarding Successful - Position now under your control.

Initially it is decided if you can board the position due to speed/tractor beams location etc. You can then approach the position and
during this approach there are 4 rounds of space weapon fire against your ship (at x2 damage) with all its space weapons.

If your ship survives the approach a boarding party is formed (as defined in your ‘ Boarding Party Report’). The boarding has 2 parts, a control battle and incoming/outgoing damage part.

You need to take control of the ship in 1 day and you have 4 rounds to do this on.

If you fail the ship returns to 100% control of the defender as you have been driven off.

Each round there is a increasing chance that you will take control as your overall control of the position increases [%]. If the position falls to you the battle stops. In this case the attacker was lucky to take the position in the
final round (15%)

Although this boarding was successful it was not guaranteed as the chance of losing control shows– Success is only assured when 100% of the defenders have been killed.
Both the attacker and defender do damage to each other over the 4 rounds BUT the attacker is at a large disadvantage in casualties as they are taking large risks to board the position. Even though the defenders are badly outnumbered, the attacker takes far more casualties.
This example shows mainly marines being used to board– fighting mainly for the control of the position but it is possible to kill all the defenders to take control but using high damage boarders like soldiers or other creatures.
During the battle some troops will be promoted to veteran if the fight was intense enough.