Block 3803
Another tragic gangland battle occured on block 3803. The
Firebugs (945) ran like gangbusters into enemy territory to fight the
Bloods (963) for the domination of the block.
Firebugs (945) lost 1 young boy and grabbed ownership of the block. The
Bloods (963) lost 1 good brawler.

Block 3712
A ragtag criminal element of carpet bagging
Old Gang (669) slipped into block 3712 and tried to pinpoint the
Firebugs (912) to fulfill their deathwish. The 3 gang members they met on this block were startled by such a powerful enemy force and deserted this block without a fight. As a result, this block became uncontrolled with only the residents there to defend it. The
Old Gang (669) moved a group of 21 members into block 3712. They found no gang presence and added it to their turf.